Family Health HEALTH

Two Daddies Per Baby, Please

Written by Bryce

Science just made it possible to have 3 parents!

Sure, I’m a single mom already… and sure, there’s a chance I’ll fall in love one day and have more kids.  That’ll make me a mom with more than one baby daddy.  But what if there was a simpler way to do it?   You know, cut to the chase and just had ONE BABY with TWO DADDIES. (I love all titles that have “One _____, Two ______” in the title… reminds me of that classy cup video).  Anyway, thanks to science, it’s now a legit possibility.

Introducing: The 3 Parent Embryo


Researchers have produced human embryos containing DNA from three people, a biotechnological proof-of-principle with profound medical and ethical implications.

To accomplish this, chromosomes were taken from one zygote — the single cell formed when sperm and egg fuse — and put into a zygote stripped of its original chromosomes, but left with its original mitochondria, which provide each human cell with energy.

As they grew, the resulting embryos contained so-called nuclear DNA — the 25,000 genes responsible for physical and developmental traits — from two traditional parents, and mitochondrial DNA from a third.

The technique is a subtle form of genetic engineering, which many people consider taboo, and raises other ethical dilemmas. It could also allow parents whose progeny would otherwise suffer from deadly mitochondrial diseases to have healthy children.


About the author


Bryce Gruber is a Manhattanite mom who can be found jet-setting off to every corner of the globe. She loves exotic places, planes with WiFi, summer clothes, & Sucre brown butter truffles. Bryce's aim is to do to luxury what Elton John did to being gay. Follow her on twitter @brycegruber

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