The Law & Order: SVU drinking game

Written by Steph

Anyone who’s visited my apartment on a Sunday already knows what to expect: hangovers and Chris Meloni.

Anyone who’s visited my apartment on a Sunday already knows what to expect: hangovers and Chris Meloni. We take our SVU Sundays pretty seriously. So seriously, in fact, that I’m pretty sure I’ve seen every episode at least four times. The one with the toy mogul who invites sick kids to his Neverland-esque estate and looks suspiciously like Michael Jackson? Seen it. The one with the hot college professor who slept with Shannyn Sossaman and her roommate? Seen it. The one with the sex offender therapist whose idea of regressive therapy is breastfeeding and spanking her patients? Been there, done that, like eight hundred times.

The only thing more predictable than my obsessive watching of the show despite having seen every episode already is the repetitive plot lines. Actually, the repetition may be why I enjoy the show so much – you can give it a quarter of your attention and still know exactly what’s going on. Whoever created the L&O: SVU drinking game must be in my boat. Seems like a great way to get bombed. I have to say though, that the game would be equally effective without the rape rule. There are enough Law & Order nuances (Road trip to Westchester? Sexual tension between Stabler and Benson? Stabler using excessive force? Munch asserting himself as a self-loathing Jew? Visits to Hudson University?) to leave rape out of it. Just my two cents.

About the author


a born-and-bred Brooklyn brunette prone to excessive alliteration. Follow her on Twitter @omgstephlol. Read more here.

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