Slim Jim and Nascar at 9am #peopleofthedmv

Written by Emily

I had to go to the DMV on a Saturday to renew my drivers license.  While I was there, I got to see this amazing guy.  You want him?  His name is Harold Dunbar (it so would be).  I have to have respect disgust for a guy that snaps into a Slim Jim before 10am.  Kudos to you sir.  Not only that, but his outfit is like Nascar threw up all over him, and he was ok with it.  I also like how he’s using his stomach as a tray for his breakfast of champions.  I’m ok with it too.


Sidenote:  should someone start a fail blog entitled “People of the DMV” kind of like the People of Walmart? Please don’t steal this idea, will be up by the end of the day.  Thanks, Management.

About the author


a native New Yorker with an enormous brain that's on a never-ending quest for high style, men with accents, and any place with a disco ball. Fastest way to her heart is a guy that loves sushi and knows the difference between "there," "their," and "they're."

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