Saving Anal Sex For Marriage

Written by Bryce

Saving Anal Sex For Marriage

For the most part, if you’re a city-dwelling female like myself, you probably kissed your virginity goodbye long ago.  Vaginally speaking, anyway.  Living in NYC exposes you to a lot of people… in my close group of girl friends there are 2 serial sluts (sleeping with anything that has a penis, or what may appear in a drunken state to be a penis), 3 moderates (have had a few partners by their mid 20s, mostly from relationships), and one virgin.  At 25, and with a baby, I’m obviously not a virgin, but my experience is limited to the small batch of serious relationships that I’ve had.  I just started dating again after taking a long “men aren’t worth my fucking time” hiatus after my sweet little angel was born in January, and I realized that dating is a sort of evolution, and I need to find out what’s changed since I stepped out.  Considering I just got back in the game, after hardly being in it to begin with, I was utterly shocked to find out from several of my girlfriends that anal sex is now considered NORMAL. WTF?  Now I know what you’re thinking, “Bryce, if you were down with anal, you wouldn’t have gotten pregnant.”  I stand by my “WTF?” statement.  It even came up in conversation, albeit ever-so-briefly, with the lovely guy I’ve been seeing.  I don’t know when anal sex became normal, when rolling over became routine, or who decided that taking it in the tush would be terrific… but I do know one thing: that’s a serious level of commitment.


Giving your ass up in the literal sense takes trust, and in my opinion, an exchange of vows.  I’ve decided to make it my personal mission to educate women around the world about the advantages of saving anal sex for marriage.  Your man will appreciate the thoughtfulness and diligence in saving your anus for him.  Think about your wedding day, you’ll be able to look into his eyes in your white gown, and really know that he’ll get your last drop of purity.

Consider this blog post a petition… if you’re saving your ass for marriage, please sign below.

About the author


Bryce Gruber is a Manhattanite mom who can be found jet-setting off to every corner of the globe. She loves exotic places, planes with WiFi, summer clothes, & Sucre brown butter truffles. Bryce's aim is to do to luxury what Elton John did to being gay. Follow her on twitter @brycegruber


  • Bryce, I don’t know what rock you’ve been living under, but seriously, stop it with the cock-(to-ass)-blocking.

  • Bryce you are a visionary… or revolutionary? Workshops on the meaing of giving up your tush.
    If you ever write a book, let me do the book release event here in Miami!

  • Bryce–hear hear! YOU are today’s modern woman! I saved my ass for my husband and although he now has back door access,I don’t maintain an open door policy. It’s kinda like foie gras–nice for special occasions or with a fine bottle of wine.

  • The thought of “saving it for your spouse”, while charming, is impractical in a world where 6/10 marriages end in divorce. Which husband shall you save it for? Will the second and third spouses respect you less or consider you “less pure”. Please!
    When I was a child I knew one (yes, 1!) kid with divorced parents.
    99.9% of kids were born, at least, to married couples and the world was a different place.
    It’s not a matter of whether or not I’m for or against anal intercourse… it’s a matter of being contemporary and honest about into what single and married life have evolved.

  • I totally agree, Bryce. I’m definitely signing the petition as well. I’m glad I’m not the only one who is not fond of our society’s new acceptance of anal sex as the norm. lol

  • Personally, I think this saving it idea is nuts. Have any of you done two guys at the same time standing up, one in front, one behind? It’s awesome! feeling them both inside you. Do it while you still got the butt!

  • ahahahaha! woman, you crack me up. listen, all i wanna know is where do i get those undies? not for me personally, mind…:-)

  • Oh, don’t be such a prude. It’s not all that unusual to get jizz on your toes and put penises in your butt. Really.

  • Bryce, assuming you have not found it yet 😉 anal sex can be really pleasurable for both you and your partner if you have a lot of trust in each other. Don’t think of it simply as a treat for him. Personally, I wouldn’t make complicated vows – if it feels like he’s the right person and you are in the right mood, enjoy – maybe he’ll ask you to marry him after that!

  • This is exactly what we need. More women telling women that they need to save certain things for marriage, that there are things in our precious little selves that are meant only for the man we marry, and that he will look at us in a tarnished light if we aren’t perfect little virgins. So the perfect virgin part has been updated for our new modern times by changing vaginal sex to anal sex. Bryce can get herself knocked up and expect her future husband not to judge her for that (and rightfully so), but then she is worried what he might think because she had anal? Your “petition” reads more like attempt at dragging women back into the stone age. Women deserve the right to have whatever consensual sex they want to have. It’s bad enough that we still have many men telling us we don’t deserve it, do we really need women telling us this, too?

  • Good for you, Bryce! I am signing, because I too, am saving my ass for marriage. 5 years after this was posted! :0)

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