Adult Health Mom Health

12 Natural Foods to Get High

Written by andy

Get high, naturally (from eating these foods).

Why do people take illicit drugs when natural foods can elevate their mood naturally? Check out the list of foods that trigger the production of the brain chemicals that will help you to feel much better:

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  1. Mussels —  Rich in Vitamin B12, this food helps to preserve the sheath of myelin that protects the cells of your brain. Mussels are also rich in zinc, selenium, and iodine, three minerals that will help to regulate your thyroid–a gland that plays an important role in mood boosting.
  2. Swiss Chard –– The magnesium in this veggie can help to increase your energy levels, but according to a study done in Australia, a lack of magnesium can lead to depression. Boost your mood by boosting energy and preventing depression!
  3. Dark Chocolate –– You really do feel a bit better when you eat dark chocolate, it’s not just a placebo effect. The food increases the flow of blood to your brain, which in turn improves not just your mood, but also enhances concentration. Just a few ounces of the stuff goes a long way toward helping you feel better.
  4. Caffeine –– Caffeine stimulates your central nervous system, increasing adrenaline production and sending energy coursing through your body. It can be a mood-booster, but just be aware that the crash you get after drinking a lot of coffee can be very hard on your system.
  5. Blue Potatoes — While this food is NOT a very common one, you’ll find that blue potatoes can be a nifty food to help you get high. The anthocyanins that give the food its odd coloring can help to boost your mood, while the iodine in the potatoes will regulate your thyroid–the gland that many believe plays a central role in overall mood.
  6. Asparagus –– It’s hard to believe that these things can help you feel better, but according to many studies, low levels of folate can lead to depression. Thankfully, asparagus is rich in folate, and it contains tryptophan–a nutrient that your body needs in order to make the “happiness chemical” serotonin.

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  1. Grass-Fed Lamb — That rack of lamb you’re eating can help you get high, but only if it’s grass-fed. Turns out that grass-fed lamb contains iron of a type that is easily absorbed by your body, and this iron can boost your mood effectively.
  2. Greek Yoghurt –– Thanks to the calcium in Greek Yoghurt, you can promote the release of mood-boosting neurotransmitters in your brain. Plus, the fats it contains are the kind that help to stabilize your hormone levels and promote wellness.
  3. Honey –– Honey contains two special nutrients–quercetin and kaempferol–which can fight depression by preventing and reducing swelling in your brain. Honey also has less of an impact on your blood sugar levels, making it much healthier than sugar!
  4. Coconuts — Loaded with medium-chain triglycerides, coconuts contain fats that will help to improve your mood.
  5. Cherry Tomatoes –– Tomatoes are one of the best sources of lycopene, an antioxidant that will protect your brain from swelling and will boost your mood.
  6. Eggs –– Thanks to the iodine, zinc, and B vitamins in eggs, you can give your mood the boost it needs. They give you a dose of energy, plenty of muscle-building protein, and can fill you up–making it much easier to lose weight!

About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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