Dining Food FOOD AND TRAVEL Recipes

Yum Alert: Easy Homemade Cheez Its

Written by emilyc

I’ve been going through a severe Cheez It phase lately, but then I read the ingredient list and wanted to cry/vomit. This homemade Cheez It recipe consoled me because it uses whole wheat flour AND it only has 4 ingredients, none of which include chemicals you can’t pronounce. Recipe and image via Cooking ala Mel.


1 1/2 cups cheddar (about 6 oz.)
4 T butter
3/4 cup white whole wheat flour
1/4 t salt
sea salt, for sprinkling
In a food processor, pulse all of the ingredients together until it forms a ball (about 2 minutes).  Place the ball between two pieces of wax paper, and roll it out to about 1/8″ thick.  Using a pastry wheel or small cookie cutters, cut into shapes.  Place on a parchment lined baking sheet about 1/2″ apart from each other – they puff up a bit.
For complete instructions, click here.

About the author


Emily is a New Yorker trapped in a Floridian's body and loves every minute of her big city life. With a major in international business and years of being surrounded by ill-fitting suits and all the wrong shoes, she learned that the importance of fashion needs to be communicated to the world. To her, fashion is on the same level as charity work and feeding hungry children. Emily can be found frolicking the streets of her gayborhood enjoying the off-color humor of the gays.

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