Worst Shoes Ever: Old Venetian Trivia

Written by Vivianne

Holy discomfort!

Deciding what shoes to bring on a trip is always a headache, especially if you are traveling to a city like Venice… a place where you’re almost looking forward to getting lost.

While you’re packing for your next trip to the European “City of Water,” hope you’ll have a thought for the rich & powerful Venetian women of the XVIth and XVIIth centuries who, in order to be in fashion, had to wear 75 cm high torture shoes called “chopines.” The higher the rank, the taller the boots!

Imagine cruising around the sinuous streets and bridges of Venice wearing this?

Holy discomfort! Truth is, some ladies couldn’t even get out of their home without the assistance of a few employees. Regardless, a lot of them fell and humiliated themselves, sometimes even leading up to broken legs and miscarriage.

Reminds you of someone?

About the author


Bryce's future stay-at-home wife, but for now a prolific lifestyle writer, artist rep and full-time hustler. Loves happy hour sushi, elephants, caffeine, hiking canyons, extra dirty martinis, nerds, chocolate chip cookies, artichokes (cause they have a heart), photography, designer dresses, collecting fragrances and taking care of business.

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