Adult Health Food

15 Unusual Sources of Protein People Really Eat

Written by andy

Some are gross, some are not, but ALL are extremely unusual sources of protein!

Protein is probably the single most important nutrient for humans to consume. Without protein, muscles begin to break down, the organs can’t function properly, and even the brain begins to decline. You need a lot of protein to lead a healthy life. You’d be amazed by some of the things that people eat to get protein in their diets! Here are some of the most unusual sources of protein that people actually put in their bodies:

  1. Beef Brains — Mexico and El Salvador are two countries that consume beef brains–in soup, tacos, and other forms. Even in the US, people in some parts of the country slice and fry the brains to put in their sandwiches.
  2. Rocky Mountain Oysters — They sound like seafood, but are the farthest thing from it! Rocky Mountain Oysters are the testicles of a boar, buffalo, or bull, deep fried and eaten as a delicacy. They’re popular in both the US and Canada.
  3. Hakari –– Consumed in Greenland, Hakari is–according to Anthony Bourdain–one of the most disgusting things on the planet. It’s made from shark meat left to ferment for anywhere from 2 to 4 months.
  4. Stuffed Camel –– This traditional Bedouin dish is an odd form of the turduckin. A camel is stuffed with lamb that is stuffed with chickens that is stuffed with rice and eggs, then BBQed and eaten as a delicacy.
  5. Haggis –– The Scottish love haggis, which is sheep lung, liver, and heart mixed with oatmeal, spices, and onion.
  6. Ostrich –– In South Africa, ostrich meat is fairly common, and it’s actually a pretty good source of protein, not to mention inexpensive.
  7. Balut –– In Laos, Balut is the name given to chicken eggs with the fetus still inside. Basically, you crack the egg open enough to insert a straw and suck out the raw egg and fetus.

READ MORE: Why Eating Insects is Healthy

  1. Raw Blood Soup — In certain parts of the north of Thailand, raw pigs’ blood is used to make a thick, hearty soup.
  2. Silk Worms –– The Chinese don’t just use the worms for silk, but they eat them as well. They prefer to fry or grill the worms before eating!
  3. Chicken Feet –– In Mexico, chicken feet are often added into chicken soups to add flavor, but people end up eating the feet. In the Caribbean, the chicken feet are deep fried and eaten like any other part of the chicken.
  4. Sannajki –– This is a Korean delicacy involving baby squid being eaten live. They are served with sesame oil, and the squid has just been chopped up moments before being put on the plate–meaning the tentacles are still squirming around. Be careful, the suction cups can stick to your throat and mouth, and it is a known choking hazard.
  5. Eskimo Ice Cream –– In no way is this as delicious as it sounds. Eskimo Ice Cream is made from reindeer fat, seal oil, berries, and ground fish, all mixed together with fresh snow.
  6. Casu Marzu –-In Sardinia, Italians eat casu marzu cheese, a strong cheese that is home to live larvae. The larvae ferment the cheese more quickly, but many people eat the insects along with the cheese.
  7. Fugu –– Possibly the world’s most dangerous source of protein! Fugu is puffer fish, which, unless prepared exactly right, is highly poisonous.
  8. Bugs –– Not only are bugs consumed in many parts of the world, but the United Nations is actually recommending that people add butterflies, moths, and other bugs to their diet to supplement their protein intake.

About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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