Three Outdated Abortion Myths

Written by Gary

This list of abortion myths needs to be disproved, once and for all.


I know abortion is supposed to be that thing that we don’t talk about, but I try to always talk about things I am not supposed to. Many of the girls in my life have had abortions at least once, and to be serious for a second, I think that there are plenty of valid reasons to have one, especially when it is a medical necessity. Because it is so taboo however, people don’t like to discuss abortion, and thus there are a bunch of myths surrounding it.

So, to do my part to better society, here are a few abortion myths that are total BS.

MYTH- Abortion is dangerous.

FACT- Over 99.75 percent of abortions don’t cause major medical problems. According to a 2014 study from the University of California, San Francisco, abortions are statistically as risky as a colonoscopy.

MYTH- Women who get abortions will regret it and suffer mental health issues.

FACT- 95 percent of women who have abortions will ultimately feel like they have made the right decision, according to an August 2013 study from UCSF.

MYTH- Fetuses experience pain during abortions.

FACT- Fetuses cannot feel pain until at least the 24th week of pregnancy. According to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in Britain and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, fetuses can’t perceive pain before 29 or 30 weeks of development.

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I hope you know that this doesn’t mean I am suggesting you go out and get an abortion every time the wind blows to the East, but hopefully it means that if you are faced with the decision, you are armed with facts instead of some made-up bullshit that your grandmother told you.

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About the author


Gary is the gay guy that every girl wants to be, and every guy wants to be with (Mostly because he can't get pregnant). He is based in Manhattan, but loves traveling to exotic new people, and sleeping with interesting new places. He is an adventurous writer, digital artist, and game designer that will try almost anything if it makes a good story.
--Instagram: @garyadrianrandall --Twitter: @gadrianrandall

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