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Style Spotting: 5 Fun Fashion Facts

Fashion Facts school editorial
Written by emilyc

Fashion Facts school editorial

You never do know when you may need to know random fashion facts or impress someone with your historical beauty knowledge. That’s where we come in. Here is a nice concise list of five fun fashion facts that you can easily remember and implement at your next fashion-y cocktail party.

1. If you think Lady Gaga started the trend of heels that reach death-defying heights, well, you are wrong. In 16th century Italy, women wore “Chopines,” or 6-24 inch platform heels.

2. Everyone has loved the Marilyn Monroe look since before she was born – false beauty marks have been used since Ancient Rome!

3. Vegans beware – some lipsticks contain ground-up fish scales disguised under the name “pearlesence”. Yum.

4. 85% of shoppers place color as a primary reason for why they buy a particular product. Color increases brand recognition by 80%.

5. I wonder if there was an 18th century version of PETA because women during that time period used to shave off their natural eyebrows and wear mouse fur eyebrows instead.


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About the author


Emily is a New Yorker trapped in a Floridian's body and loves every minute of her big city life. With a major in international business and years of being surrounded by ill-fitting suits and all the wrong shoes, she learned that the importance of fashion needs to be communicated to the world. To her, fashion is on the same level as charity work and feeding hungry children. Emily can be found frolicking the streets of her gayborhood enjoying the off-color humor of the gays.

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