Spa Savvy in 2010

Written by Shannon

Mindy Terry,President of Creative Spa Concepts, provides 10 spa savvy tips for 2010.

Did you forget to pamper yourself this holiday season? Well, if you did, have no fear because Mindy Terry, President of Creative Spa Concepts has provided 10 tips to help you become spa smart in 2010.


  1. Set aside time each day to write in a journal. Spending time to journal every day will brighten your life, helping you recover from the post-holiday blues.
  2. Purchase a spa-inspired CD to play in your car to avoid road rage while running errands and picking up the kids. Don’t want to purchase a CD; a simple solution is to tune your radio to a station that plays classical music.
  3. Want to shed those pounds gained from the holidays? Practice mindful eating by slowing down and feeling the food on your tongue. While chewing slowly, focus on the texture and smell of the food you are eating. Eating slower will cause you to become filled more quickly, therefore causing you to eat less and drop those unwanted pounds.
  4. Try a quick, home detox. The recipe for a home detox includes, adding Epsom salts to your bath or eucalyptus spray in your shower. Making the water as warm as you can handle, (avoid altogether if you have high blood pressure) stay in the bath or shower for 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes wrap yourself in a heavy towel and lie on a bed for approximately 20 minutes. This process causes your body to sweat out a lot of unwanted toxins. To end the detox process, get in to a shower with cool water and apply lots of lotion. Not only will this help detox the body, but it will also help you overcome cold and sinus symptoms.
  5. Relieving sinus pain can be done through Marma-Point massage. This massage can be done by taking a drop of your favorite oil, rubbing it into your palms, cupping them, and inhaling for three belly-deep breaths. Using your finger, hold and apply pressure to the jawbone. Run the fingers up to the temples applying a comfortable amount of pressure and hold. Rotate fingers slowly clockwise to relax and counterclockwise to energize. Next, move the third eye, located directly above the nose, and apply a comfortable amount of pressure for a few seconds. Finally, transition to your thumbs and slide down to the side of your nose where your eyes meet, pull up towards your crown and hold, then come back down to your nose as if smoothing the pages of a book. The whole exercise takes approximately 90 seconds and can be done a few times to help open your sinuses.
  6. No time to exercise? Take the stairs, skipping the elevator/escalator, whenever possible. While traveling for business, walk the concourses instead of taking the airport tram. If you live and work in the city, try walking to work instead of taking a cab.
  7. For those who are a stay-at-home-mom, or just work from home, try starting a walking club. Choose one day and time each week and stick to it.
  8. Nobody likes to be around people in a bad mood. Next time you or someone you know is in need of a lift try buying food inspired scents such as chocolate, mandarin orange and vanilla to give you an instant lift.
  9. If you have a non-scented candle around, pour your favorite essential oil in the basin. The oil will fill your space with amazing scents.
  10. Add lemon and orange slices, a bay leaf, cloves and a cinnamon stick to a pot of water, then let it simmer on the stovetop.

To find out more about Mindy Terry and her spa savvy tips, visit:

Disclosure: All products were provided for review. No monetary compensation was received for this review. All opinions belong to the author.

About the author


Shannon is a 22-year-old Floridian currently studying PR at the University of South Florida. Her obsessions include: finding the newest fitness trend (currently Physique 57 DVDs), keeping up with the latest celebrity gossip, and her American Eagle stretch jeans. When she has some free time that doesn't include studying for one of her many exams, she enjoys hanging with her friends and family, going to Disney World, shopping, and eating good food. Follow her on twitter @ShannonDormer

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