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Sometimes More Calories = The Better Choice

when more calories = the better choice
Written by emilyc

When it’s time to procure food, most of us seek out whatever has the least amount of calories. Sometimes, though, it’s better to take the higher-calorie road. Though it may seem to be going against our moral fiber and everything we believe in, it’s true. In the calorie world, quality counts. Below are 7 instances when leaving our low-calorie friends behind is the smartest decision.

when more calories = the better choice

Choose walnuts, not crackers. The nuts will do 2 powerful things for you: give you a healthy dose of omega 3s and ward off any hunger messages that those cracker carbs may send to your brain. Plus, the walnuts have no sodium. No sodium = no bloating.

Choose dark meat over light. It’ll give you more anemia-preventing iron and immunity-boosting zinc. Don’t worry about the fat and cals. There’s only one more gram of saturated fat in dark meat than white, and only 34 more calories.

Choose coconut milk ice cream, not low-fat fro-yo. Fro-yo may be low-fat, but it’s high-sugar and high-chemical. Ew. Go for coconut milk ice cream instead. It will leave you feeling more satisfied, give you some antioxidants, and lower bad cholesterol. Here is a crazy good coconut milk ice cream recipe.

Choose guacamole, not low-fat sour cream. Twist my arm. Guacamole will give you way more antioxidants, way more fiber, and way more potassium than low-fat sour cream ever will.

Choose nut butter, not jam. It’s time to stop putting jam on your toast just because the jar says it’s low-cal. It’s mostly sugar with very little protein and can spike your blood sugar to make you feel fatigued. Nut butter, on the other hand, will sustain your energy levels thanks to its protein and healthy oils, even though it’s more calories.

Choose real eggs over Egg Beaters. It’s the sugars and fillers that are to blame for this one. Real eggs are all-natural, they give you protein, carotenoids, and a slew of vitamins and nutrients.

Choose full-fat cheese, not low-fat cheese. Well, fine! Full-fat cheese helps keep you feeling satisfied and fuller for a longer time, whereas some low-fat string cheese will probably leave you snacking on cupcakes an hour later.


About the author


Emily is a New Yorker trapped in a Floridian's body and loves every minute of her big city life. With a major in international business and years of being surrounded by ill-fitting suits and all the wrong shoes, she learned that the importance of fashion needs to be communicated to the world. To her, fashion is on the same level as charity work and feeding hungry children. Emily can be found frolicking the streets of her gayborhood enjoying the off-color humor of the gays.

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