Adult Health HEALTH

Anger Isn’t The Worst Emotion

Written by corey

Not all emotions are negative.

If I had to choose an emotion, not that I feel any, I would choose to feel happy at all times. Don’t be bitter, be better. However, there are some benefits to feeling angry at a certain point in the day. Did you know that? I sure as hell didn’t.

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A study in 2007 showed that anger could lead to more rational decisions. It suggested that anger could leave to more analytical thinking, but don’t quote that when you’re 5 whiskey drinks deep. It also says that fear, in reasonable doses, is exactly what keeps us safe. However, if you’re feeling afraid at all times, that’s not a good thing. Seriously, stop being such a scaredy cat. If you’re shy, which is just adorable, you’re more self-aware than others. Don’t let your shyness make you totally awkward in social settings, you’ll never find husband two or three if you’re socially awkward. When you’re sad, it allows you to pay more attention to the situation you’re in. This is kind of good, because when you’re happy you’re just on a happy high.

So, next time you’re feeling angry, just remember that something good could come out of it. If you’re seeing red, think pink!

[h/t HuffPo][via]

About the author


Corey is a self-proclaimed heiress and the love child of Anne Boleyn and Marie Antoinette. He's a thug in a cocktail dress with a penchant for open-bars and puns. He has his barista's call him Beyonce and he's never been to Brooklyn.

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