How to Regulate Body Temperature: 10 Easy Ways

Written by andy

Every wonder how to regulate body temperature on your own? Here’s what you need to know:

We all know those people who get cold very easily, or they can’t wear a jacket without sweating through it. Everyone has roughly the same internal body temperature, but our bodies feel heat and chill differently. If you often feel cold or hot, you need to know how to regulate your body temperature. Here are a few easy things you can do to cool off or heat up:

  1. Have a cold snack — If you are feeling the heat, reach into the freezer for something cold. A spoonful of ice cream, a cup of cold water, or some other frozen treat will lower your core temperature, helping you to beat the heat!
  2. Eat cayenne pepper –– Winter chill getting to you? Don’t be content to spend the winter shivering, but add cayenne pepper to your meals. The capsaicin in the peppers will turn up your internal thermostat, helping you to stave off the cold AND burn a bit more fat. Habanero and jalapeno peppers also do the trick. Taking spice supplements are the easiest way to do this, and we recommend these cayenne pepper capsules if you can’t normally tolerate spicy foods.
  3. Eat brown rice — The carbs in brown rice will produce energy, but it takes energy to break down the food and turn them into glucose. Brown rice will raise your body temperature effectively.
  4. Munch on peanuts –– Peanuts contain both healthy fats and carbs, so eating a handful of peanuts will help you to warm up when the day is cold. Your body will turn up the heat in order to process the carbs and fats.
  5. Chew on ginger –– Want to feel the change in your body temperature almost immediately? Have a piece of raw ginger, and chew on it–tang and all! The gingerols in the raw ginger will constrict your blood vessels, causing a sort of flush in your body that will make you feel warmer.


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  1. Pour cold water over your head –– If the summer sun is getting to you, dump a pitcher of ice water over your head. It will be a shock to your system, and you’ll cool off quite effectively.
  2. Drink something warm –– A cup of black or green tea, coffee, or soup will do wonders to help you warm up on a chilly day. The warmth of the liquid will feel good going down, and it will help to warm your insides. Try a sweet and spicy tea like this one to rev up your metabolism with thermogenic spices, too.
  3. Exercise –– To really warm up, spend a few minutes doing physical exercise. The more vigorous, the warmer you’ll feel! You can keep it simple and do light cardio, or you can sprint for a minute to get the blood pumping. Strength training (like pushups or weight lifting) is also highly effective, but it takes longer to kick in.
  4. Put ice water in front of a fan –– If the summer heat is killing you, turning on a fan can help. To really cool things off, put a bowl of ice water in front of the fan. The wind will cool off as it passes over the chilled water, and it will be fresh and cold by the time it reaches you. It can do wonders to cool off.
  5. Take a warm shower –– If your body is feeling the heat, step into the shower and turn the water up to hot. A cold shower will turn UP your body’s thermostat, but a warm shower will help your body to cool off. When you step out of the shower, you’ll feel much better!

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About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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