ENTERTAINMENT Shoes and Accessories

Guy Fails Miserably at Wearing Heels for One Day

guy wearing heels social experiment
Written by Gary

In a bid to prove that women are ‘huge complainers’, one man wore heels for a day, and had to get his feet amputated.

guy wearing heels social experiment

Okay, he didn’t really have to get his feet cut off, but it certainly sounds like he wants to.

As a gay guy, I have walked in heels before and can tell you that I could probably do a backflip in them (even though I can’t do one without them). Brandon Cohen, a video correspondent for BroBible.com decided to undertake a social experiment and wear stilletos from 8:30 a.m to 7:15 p.m. What followed was a lot of sitting on his ass, being harassed by homeless men and Asian women, and complaining. Lots of complaining.

First off, I was taught that if you are going to wear heels, you should wear them right. His first mistake was clomping around like a Clydesdale pulling a steam-engine locomotive. If you are going to wear heels, you should glide across the pavement like a fucking swan coming in for a landing. I can’t believe his mother didn’t teach him this.

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At any rate, he now understands why women want to park near the entrance, hate walking by construction zones, and don’t mind walking bare foot over heroin needles at the end of a long night.

guy wearing heels social experiment

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About the author


Gary is the gay guy that every girl wants to be, and every guy wants to be with (Mostly because he can't get pregnant). He is based in Manhattan, but loves traveling to exotic new people, and sleeping with interesting new places. He is an adventurous writer, digital artist, and game designer that will try almost anything if it makes a good story.
--Instagram: @garyadrianrandall --Twitter: @gadrianrandall

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