Dancing with Steve-O

The BBC reported today that Amy Winehouse is pulling out of of Coachella today because of legal issues. Looks like the queen of rehab still hasn’t cleaned up her act. Meanwhile, Britney’s back on tour looking fab and as the new season of Dancing with the Stars unfolds and features a now sober – for over 9 months – Steve-O , I find myself thinking about the power of rehab.

The real one, that is, one that is undertaken for the right reasons. I never watched Celebrity Rehab and I never dealt with substance abuse, but I am familiar with the conscious decision an individual makes to assess the problem, its source and its consequences. Self destruction takes many different forms. I admire anyone who pulls out the strength to put an end to self-destruction and to become a better person. Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean changing who you are. For instance, a Jackass stays a Jackass. Steve-O still put together a stunt to get people voting for him and his hot partner Lacey. Check out the video here.

So for all the reasons above, even if I wasn’t a total Jackass fan (yes, that’s my profile on Jackassworld.com,) I would totally be voting for Steve-O.

Check out Dancing with the Stars on NBC

Check out Steve-O on Jackassworld.com

About the author


Bryce's future stay-at-home wife, but for now a prolific lifestyle writer, artist rep and full-time hustler. Loves happy hour sushi, elephants, caffeine, hiking canyons, extra dirty martinis, nerds, chocolate chip cookies, artichokes (cause they have a heart), photography, designer dresses, collecting fragrances and taking care of business.

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