Are These The Best Or Worst Handymen Ever?

Written by Emily

Lawn mowing? Painting? Killing? These guys do it all!

With it being summer and all, I know it’s hard to find good help. Thank GOD for Andy and Ben!  These responsible guys are willing to do all of your tedious work that no one wants to do in the summer, including killing off that married boyfriends wife that he just wont leave!  Wait, WHAT?!  Yup, these guys are also into the fine art of “whacking.”   They also offer many other options, but I guess it’s just nice to know that the offer is on the table, just in case.


About the author


a native New Yorker with an enormous brain that's on a never-ending quest for high style, men with accents, and any place with a disco ball. Fastest way to her heart is a guy that loves sushi and knows the difference between "there," "their," and "they're."

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