Adult Health

How to Get Rid of Bad Eating Habits

Written by andy

Here’s how to avoid eating wrong…

Bad eating habits are the worst enemy of fitness and weight loss! You may be putting in the hours at the gym, but if you’re not eating right, you’re never going to see the results you want. It’s hard to know which aspects of your diet need to change, but it comes down to two simple facts:

  1. Eat less — Fewer calories consumed means more body fat burned.
  2. Eat better –– All your food should be high in nutrients.

Follow these two rules, and you’ve got it made!

But, if you’re struggling with bad eating habits, here are a few tips to help you make the changes:

Keep the kitchen clean — A study found that people who have messy kitchens end up snacking on about 40% more unhealthy foods than those with clean kitchens. It’s time to get your house in order and keep everything clean and tidy. That neatness will help you to feel in control of your life, and thus your diet.

Shrink your dinnerware — Using a smaller plate will help you to eat less, and using a smaller cup will help you drink less. It’s a simple psychological trick, but one that works like a charm! Downsize your plates, cups, and even using smaller spoons and forks. It will make it easier to shrink your portion sizes.

READ MORE: 25 Skinny People Habits You Should Try

Change your environment — Don’t rely solely on willpower for your weight loss success; willpower alone will eventually fail you. Instead, change up your environment to make it easier to get rid of those bad eating habits. This means getting rid of any unhealthy foods, and keeping them out of your house. Stay away from places where you’d be tempted to snack on something unhealthy and high in calories, and change your going out habits to help reduce your risk of overeating.

Be mindful –– Chances are, you end up snacking without even realizing what you’re doing. Perhaps you grab a piece of fruit or cookie on your way out the door, or you stop off for a bagel in the breakroom. A lot of people eat without realizing what they are doing, as it’s such a normal part of their day. But those habits will backfire, making it impossible for you to lose weight. It’s time to start being mindful of your eating habits. Pay attention to everything you are putting in your mouth, and understand WHY you are doing it. By being more mindful, it’s easier to get your eating habits under control.

Change your attitude — Most of us skip veggies because they’re just not as delicious as the steak and potatoes, or we prefer a cookie over fruit. But that’s just an attitude we’ve developed over years of eating. It’s time to change up those attitudes and see healthy foods in a whole new light. If you can stop equating “healthy” with “not as delicious” but instead start seeing it as “my favorite food”, you’ll have a much easier time making the healthy choices.

Be accountable — Not just to yourself and your conscience, but to someone else. Go on the diet with your spouse or a friend, or upload your daily food journal to a fitness community. This will help you to make the right choice more often than not, as you know there is someone there to ensure that you are doing what’s right. You’ll find it’s much easier to make the right choices when you’re accountable to someone else!

About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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