Family Health

9 Bloating Foods to Steer Clear Of

Written by andy

Take these foods off your menu to avoid bloating…

Bloating is a side effect of a number of disorders, but did you know the food you eat can also cause you to swell up? You’d be amazed by how many different foods can cause bloating. Here are a few bloating foods you’d do well to stay away from:

  • Soda – The carbonation in soda is NOT your friend! Sodas are full of carbon dioxide gas, which can get trapped in your digestive system. The trapped gas can cause bloating and cramps, so it’s best to avoid soda. Water is always your #1 beverage of choice!
  • Beans – Beans, like all legumes, are an amazing source of plant-based protein. Sadly, they’re also packed with a type of carbs (short-chain carbs) that skip digestion and go straight to the intestines. There, they are fermented by the bacteria in your gut, causing a build-up of gas in the colon. For people with sensitive digestive tracts, it’s best to avoid the short-chain carbs in beans!
  • Wheat – Everyone knows that gluten can cause bloating, especially for those with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Wheat contains short-chain carbs that are fermented in the digestive system and can cause bloating and gas. It’s best to cut back on white and refined wheat as much as possible. If you’re gluten-sensitive or intolerant, eliminate it altogether.
  • Lentils – Yet another legume to put on your no-no list! Lentils are high in fiber, which has been known to cause bloating in those with sensitive stomachs. The short-chain carbs in lentils make them a bloaty choice for anyone who has IBS or other digestive issues.

READ MORE: 8 Food Sensitivity Symptoms to Watch

  • Dairy Products – Dairy is a good source of calcium, protein, and healthy fats. Sadly, it’s also known to cause bloating, thanks to its high lactose content. Lactose is a form of sugar found in milk, but it’s estimated that up to 75% of the world’s population can’t digest it. Lactose sensitivity and intolerance is VERY common. If you get bloaty and gassy every time you eat lactose, it’s best to avoid it completely!
  • Cruciferous Vegetables – Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and the other cruciferous vegetables are all AMAZING for your health. They provide fiber, minerals, and nutrients your body can’t live without. Sadly, they’re also a cause of bloating, thanks to the high fiber content. Cooking the veggies usually makes them easier on your digestive tract, but it may be wise to avoid them completely.
  • Barley – Barley, like wheat, can be hard on the stomach. Not only does it contain gluten, but it’s also rich in the type of fiber that causes bloating. If you’re not used to eating so much fiber, it could cause problems. Instead of eating barley, try “pseudocereals” like buckwheat, brown rice, or quinoa.
  • Garlic and Onions – Both garlic and onions are rich in sulfur, which can increase gas production. They also contain fructans, a compound that can lead to bloating. These two ingredients are a major component of most foods, but it’s best to limit your intake of onions and garlic if they cause problems.
  • Apples – Yes, even apples are a food best avoided if you have bloating problems! Apples are packed with fiber, but that fiber can cause digestive problems for those with sensitive stomachs. Fructose may also cause bloating, as it may ferment when broken down by the gut bacteria. Try cooking your apples before eating! The risk of bloating is much lower when you eat stewed apples or applesauce.

About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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