Adult Health

6 Health Benefits of Kvass

Written by andy

Did you know this distinctly Russian drink can boost your health? The health benefits of kvass are plentiful.

Probiotics are amazing for your health. Not only do they provide a wide range of nutrients, but they are also filled with beneficial bacteria that improve your digestive health and immune function. Basically, they’re bacteria-rich superfoods that are said to help everything from healing to fighting infection and sustaining better skin. Kvass is one such probiotic food that is amazing for your health. If you’ve never heard of it, no worries! It’s a drink made from fermented beets, and it actually contains a very low alcohol content–between 0.5 and 1.0. Don’t worry: it’s non-alcoholic, unless it has fermented for a long time.

“It’s usually a malt, refreshing non-alcoholic beverage,” explains expert on all things Russian, Zhanna Zonis. “In Russia (and former Soviet regions), it is customary to drink kvass during the hot summer months. It’s an everyday thing. It’s sold in grocery stores, delis, as well as in kiosks outside, especially in the summer. It’s consumed occasionally as a refresher, other times just with a meal.”

The beauty of kvass is that it’s often made from beets, so it has a naturally sweet flavor (thanks to all the natural sugar in most varieties beets). You’ll find that many kvass drinks include flavors of berries or herbs, giving it a pleasant taste that Kombucha and other popular probiotic drinks can’t match. It may be a bit hard to get used to at first, but once you drink it for a few days, you’ll acquire the taste for it. Plus, it’s amazing for your health, so what’s not to love?

Here are some of the health benefits of kvass:

  • Packed with fiber — Beets are a very high fiber food, meaning they will be excellent for your digestive health. Your average serving of kvass contains about the same amount of fiber as you would get from a blended beet smoothie. You’ll find that the high-fiber drink will help to improve digestion, reduce sugar absorption, prevent toxins from being absorbed into your bloodstream, and even fight cholesterol. It’s a heart-smart food that will do wonders for your health.
  • Cleanse your liver –– Beets are a liver-cleansing food, and kvass does an amazing job of eliminating toxins and fat buildup from your liver. Remember that your liver collects a lot of the fats and toxins, and reduced liver function can lead to a wide range of health problems. Thanks to Kvass, you can keep your liver clean and working like a dream.
  • Rich in probiotics –– This is the thing that makes kvass such a popular choice. It’s quickly catching up with kombucha and becoming one of the most sought-after probiotic drinks in the West. The beneficial bacteria in the kvass will enhance your immune system and boost digestion, ensuring that your body can absorb as much nourishment as possible from the food you eat. Definitely a good reason to add it to your diet.

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  • Flushes acidity from your blood –– Beets contain betalains, compounds that give the beets their rich red color. The betalains help your body to produce new red blood cells, and it helps to keep your body’s pH balance trending toward alkaline. Considering how many acidic foods we eat today, this makes kvass an important food for our overall health.
  • Loaded with nutrients — Beets are rich in Vitamin C, and kvass contains a good deal of this immune-boosting, toxin-fighting antioxidant. Kvass is also rich in manganese, a mineral that plays a vital role in kidney, pancreas, and bone health. You also get a lot of folate from the kvass, which will help to improve reproductive health. All in all, it’s a nutrient-rich food!
  • Fights cancer –– Thanks to the high antioxidant content of beets, drinking kvass can be a good way to reduce your risk of cancer. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in the kvass will help to prevent inflammation, an indicator of cancer.

It may be an unusual-tasting drink, and one you’re hesitant to try. However, once you realize what it can do for you, you’ll see why it’s a staple of the Russian beverage scene and why it’s quickly bursting into the consciousness of American health nuts.

About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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