5 Cool Things To Kick Your Smoking Habit

Written by Vivianne

It’s no secret that smoking is one of the hardest habits to kick.

It’s no secret that smoking is one of the hardest habits to kick. However, everything that’s worth it in life requires an extra effort, true? It’s not cool to poke holes in your own lungs, so here are 5 awesome things that should help you stop poisoning yourself – for good.

1.iQuit iPhone App – VIA

Monitor your detox on your iPhone and get digital reminders of how much money you’re saving and how much longer you could be living!

2. The Urn Ashtray – VIA

Truth is, smokers are digging their own grave. Get the urn ashtray and remind yourself that everyday.

3. The Easy Way To Stop Smoking – VIA

More than half of my ex-smoker friends finally succeeded in the task after reading this book. They say that you can’t pass the book around, that you need to buy it yourself. I just ordered it from Amazon.

4. Look At This Pic Everyday – VIA

As much as skinny models smoking cigarettes can look cool in photo shoots, let’s be honest: there’s nothing more saddening than an old wrinkled lady who STILL smokes. Death becomes her.

5. Until You’re Ready… – VIA

At least, save your home from smelling like an ashtray…

About the author


Bryce's future stay-at-home wife, but for now a prolific lifestyle writer, artist rep and full-time hustler. Loves happy hour sushi, elephants, caffeine, hiking canyons, extra dirty martinis, nerds, chocolate chip cookies, artichokes (cause they have a heart), photography, designer dresses, collecting fragrances and taking care of business.

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