Adult Health

8 Inflammation Causing Behaviors to Stop Immediately

Written by andy

Here’s what could be causing inflammation in your body…

Inflammation has been linked to A LOT of different health problems–everything from cancer to joint problems to indigestion to reduced brain function. If you want to be a healthy person, it’s vital to reduce internal inflammation as much as possible. Here are a few things you may do that cause inflammation, and you should stop these inflammation causing behaviors IMMEDIATELY:

  • Eating dairy — If you are sensitive or allergic to dairy products, it’s time to cut them out of your diet completely! The dairy can trigger negative side effects, not the least of which is inflammation of your intestines. This can lead to reduced bowel function and a suppressed immune system. Stop eating dairy now!
  • Injuring yourself –– This one is a bit of a “duh”, but it must be said! Injuries don’t just lead to pain and damage to your muscles or tissues, but it can cause swelling as well. Chronic injuries tend to be chronically inflamed, leading to pain and reduced mobility. Avoid injuries as much as possible and reduce the risk of inflammation.
  • Making foolish diet choices — Did you know that foods with a lot of artificial chemicals and preservatives can cause inflammation? Your body is unable to handle the artificial ingredients, and the inflammatory response is triggered in order to prevent the chemicals from causing damage to the body. Stop eating unnatural foods, and you won’t have to worry about inflammation.
  • Being overweight –– Being overweight is another common cause of inflammation. Overeating has been linked to an overactive immune response, so any small trigger can lead to much more dramatic inflammation. This can lead to a number of chronic diseases. It’s vital to get your weight under control in order to reduce your inflammatory response!

READ MORE: 8 Foods to Reduce Swelling and Edema

  • Smoking –-­  Smoking fills your body with harmful chemicals, which your body sees as an outside threat. This triggers your immune response, which includes inflammation. Quitting smoking is one of the best ways to not only reduce your inflammatory response, but improve your health in MANY ways.
  • Skipping exercise ––  A lack of exercise can contribute to obesity, which leads to an overactive inflammatory response. Not getting exercise also makes you more prone to injuries, and even minor activity can cause tissue damage–leading to inflammation. If you want to avoid this problem, make it a point to exercise at least 4 hours per week.
  • Drinking too much –– This is one we should all be familiar with, but it’s one we tend to forget. Alcohol is one of the best ways to kick back and relax, but it can also trigger an inflammatory response in our bodies. After all, the alcohol is literally poisoning our brains and bodies, which is why we feel “drunk”. Inflammation is our body’s natural defense mechanism, and the more you drink, the more inflammation is triggered. In order to reduce inflammation, simply cut back on your alcohol intake, or eliminate it altogether. You’ll notice a difference in no time!
  • Not taking care of your mouth — Did you know that poor oral health can lead to inflammation not just in your mouth, but in your entire body? Your mouth is the gateway to your digestive system, and most of the germs, bacteria, and viruses enter your body via your mouth. Without good oral health, your body is unable to protect itself from harmful pathogens. These pathogens  affect your body negatively, leading to inflammation and internal damage. Take care of your oral health in order to reduce inflammation!


About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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