Adult Health Family Health

10 Healthy Things Kids Do Naturally

Written by andy

This is why your kids are so healthy…

Surprisingly, kids tend to be pretty healthy people. A lot of the things they do on a daily basis contribute to their health, without all the diet and exercise fuss that we adults spend so much of our energy trying to do. They’re just healthier overall, and it’s all thanks to the habits that are a central part of their lives.

Want to know what your kids are doing that is keeping them healthy? Here are a few:

  1. Playing — Running, jumping, and playing is a great way to burn calories, and kids can spend hours playing around. The average child can burn up to 500 calories in an hour of vigorous play.
  2. Being Dirty — Playing in the dirt helps to produce serotonin, as soil contains a bacteria that promotes the production of this vital neurochemical. It can also build up their immune system, making them better able to resist diseases and infections in the future.
  3. Eating Bright Foods –– Kids seem to naturally gravitate towards the brighter foods, particularly sweet fruits and bright red tomatoes. These foods contain the highest levels of antioxidants, which boost their immune system, protect the cells of their bodies, and keep them healthy.
  4. Going Outside –– Many kids HATE being stuck indoors, and there’s something about the outdoors that beckons them. Playing outside around trees and grass helps to reduce their stress levels, and reduces their risk of depression and obesity.
  5. Spending Time in the Sun — The more time your kids spend in the sun (with sunscreen, of course),  the more Vitamin D they get. Vitamin D is needed both for healthy skin and healthy bones, so it’s good for your kids to play outdoors.

FIND MORE: Would You Drink Your Sunscreen?

  1. Sleeping Long Hours –– Don’t you always envy your kids when they are going on their 12th hour of sleep every night? Kids who sleep more tend to grow more, but they also have stronger immune systems, less stress, and a better hormonal balance.
  2. Eating a Big Breakfast –– Who doesn’t love pancakes, waffles, or eggs and toast for breakfast? Kids who eat a big breakfast are less likely to snack during the morning, and they often make healthier food choices during the day.
  3. Be Social –– Most kids find it very easy to socialize, and they’ll go up and make new friends easily. Socializing helps to fight depression, and it can help your children to have a much more outgoing mindset that will benefit them later in life.
  4. Being Active –– Kids don’t just spend a lot of time playing, but they’re hardly ever still. Kids that are more active are healthier, as too much time sitting down can lead to muscular decline, bone density loss, and even a shortened lifespan.
  5. Taking a Nap –– Taking a nap is an excellent way to keep your kids’ energy levels high, but it will also ensure that they are developing mentally. Even if they are sleeping through the night, a midday nap will help their bodies to use the food they ate at lunchtime. Napping helps their brains to function at top speed, and will improve their concentration and focus.

Kids just have these habits that keep them healthy, and it gives them an edge over adults. We adults have to think about all of the things we need to do to stay healthy, but it just come naturally to kids. If only we, as adults, could do it as easily as they do!


About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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