
10 Health Benefits of Popcorn

Written by andy

It’s so much more than just a movie snack!

Popcorn is the classic movie food. You can’t go to the cinema without buying a big bucket of popcorn! You’ll also find that it makes one heck of a diet food, as air-popped popcorn is low in calories and surprisingly filling. But the health benefits of popcorn extend far beyond its delicious flavor and low calorie content. Here are some of the reasons you should consider eating more popcorn:

  • Live longer — That’s right, popcorn can help to extend your lifespan! CNN posted the results of a study that found popcorn was as healthy for you as buckwheat, brown rice, and quinoa. These whole grains all helped to reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease, cancer, and infectious diseases, as well as lowering mortality rate by up to 20%. Definitely a good reason to snack more!
  • Get more protein — As far as snack foods go, you’ll find popcorn is one of the best to give you more muscle-building protein. Each serving of popcorn has more protein than a similar-sized serving of potato chips, banana chips, and even kale chips. Plus, there’s plenty of phosphorus in popcorn.
  • It’s antioxidant-rich — All whole grains contain antioxidants, and popcorn is no exception. The antioxidant content of popcorn is comparable to that of quinoa, and it can help to reduce oxidative stress and eliminate free radicals in your body.
  • No gluten –– For many people, whole grains are off the menu due to their gluten allergies or celiac disease. Thankfully, popcorn isn’t on that list of “no-no” foods. Popcorn is a fully gluten-free food, and you’ll find that it makes for a great snack. Best of all, it can be used to replace croutons on salad, coat your fish and chicken in place of breading, and even seasoned to eat with soup.

READ MORE: Snack Healthy, Not Beastly

  • It’s versatile –– Want a sweet snack? Make caramel popcorn! Want a salty snack? Make classic buttered popcorn! Want something spicy? Pour on Sriracha sauce or Valentina sauce. Popcorn is one of the most versatile snack foods, and it can be used to prepare a wide range of tasty treats.
  • Stave off hunger –– If you need something to keep you from overeating between meals, have a cup or two of air-popped popcorn. The puffed kernels will be surprisingly filling, and they can keep your stomach filled and occupied until your next meal.
  • Spend less — Popcorn is surprisingly cheap compared to other whole grains. A bag of popcorn kernels will cost you around the same as a bag of rice, and you’ll find that it lasts a long time thanks to the fact that the kernels inflate significantly as you cook them. They’re an uber-cheap snack food that is also incredibly delicious.
  • More fiber –– Popcorn contains a lot of fiber, meaning it will aid in healthy digestion and elimination of wastes. You’ll find that the high fiber content makes it one of the best foods for snacking, as the fiber will absorb sugar, cholesterol, and toxins, preventing them from being absorbed into your body.
  • Control blood sugar –– Popcorn can help to regulate the amounts of insulin produced by your body, making it easier to control your blood sugar levels.
  • Fight cancer –– A bucket of popcorn as a cancer fighting food? Say what? Popcorn contains antioxidants that can help to combat free radical activity in your body. These polyphenolic compounds can reduce oxidative stress in your body and reduce your risk of cancer.



About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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