Adult Health Food Mom Health

10 Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Written by andy

Tiny little seeds, IMPRESSIVE health benefits…

Chia seeds are one of those superfoods that have become hugely popular in the last few years, and you can find them in just about every health and natural food store around the country. Even stores like Jamba Juice have begun to add Chia to the menu!

But what makes these little seeds so awesome? Here are a few of the health benefits of chia seeds:

  1. They are loaded with nutrients — You can get up to 30% of your DV of a number of minerals from a single ounce of chia seeds, including magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus. They’re also loaded with calcium, zinc, B vitamins, and potassium. Chia seeds may be small, but they pack a nutrient power punch.
  2. They’re rich in antioxidants –– Chia seeds contain a wide range of antioxidants. These antioxidants stop the fats in the seed from spoiling, meaning they can do the same for your body. By protecting the cells in your body, the tiny seeds can fight off all manner of free radical and oxidative stress damage.
  3. They contain Omega-3’s — Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the most important fatty acids for the human body. They help to boost brain function, reduce inflammation in the body, protect the cells, and so much more. Chia seeds are loaded with these fatty acids, and you’ll find your body works a whole lot better thanks to these seeds.
  4. They provide lots of fiber –– When you soak chia seeds in water or juice, you’ll find that they expand to three or four times their original size. This is due to the soluble fiber in the seeds, which soak up water. Those same seeds can soak up excess fat, sugar, cholesterol, and antioxidants when they hit your intestines, preventing them from being absorbed and promoting healthy elimination!
  5. They help you feel full –– The fact that the chia seeds expand when they absorb liquid means that they will expand as they sit in your stomach. They will soak up the liquid that you drink, and will help to fill up your stomach. If you eat chia seeds, you’ll find your appetite is greatly reduced thanks to the feeling of satiety caused by the seeds.

READ MORE: 10 Reasons to Eat (or Drink) Chia Seeds

  1. They can lower cholesterol –– Studies have found that chia seeds will not only reduce triglyceride levels (thanks to the Omega 3’s they contain), but they can actually boost the levels of “good” HDL cholesterol. Even a small increase in HDL cholesterol can lead to significant reduction in overall cholesterol, leaving you much healthier as a result!
  2. They regulate insulin levels –– Worried about your blood sugar levels? Have a spoonful of chia! The seeds can help to increase sensitivity to insulin, regulate your blood sugar, and stop glucose levels from getting out of control.
  3. They’re loaded with protein –– Chia seeds are excellent to add to your meal simply because they are an awesome source of plant-based protein. They contain very little fat, but they’ll deliver a massive load to protein that your body can use to build muscle.
  4. They’re great for your bones — The minerals in chia seeds will help to strengthen your bones, particularly the magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus.
  5. They’re easy to eat –– Unlike many other superfoods and health foods, chia seeds are not bulky nor do they have a strong flavor. They are fairly tasteless and easy to add into any yoghurt, milk, or juice, and you can eat them easily!

About the author


Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people... Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise--he does so six days a week--and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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