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10 Foods That Make Cellulite Disappear

Written by emilyc

Our list of the 10 best foods that make cellulite disappear: Cellulite. So stupid. It can be caused by hormones (whatever), poor diet (but Oreos though…), genetic predisposition (ugh), and age (use that in your defense if anyone makes any cellulite remarks). There are ways to wage war against it, though. Let Cellulite War I commence by incorporating these foods into your diet. cellulite reducing foods Sea salt: Swap your refined salt (table salt) for Celtic sea salt or Himalayan crystal salt. They’re less acidic than table salt, less dehydrating, and actually provide beneficial minerals. Green Tea: It stimulates the release of stored fats in the body. Aim for 3-5 cups per day for a clear path to life sans cellulite. Broccoli: When collagen in your body hardens, it causes cellulite. Broccoli contains alpha lipoic, which prevents this from happening. Eat 3-4 steamed portions per week. Oranges: They improve blood circulation and correct cell imbalances that may lead to cellulite. Asparagus: It’s an anti-inflammatory super food. Celebs swear by it because of its de-bloating powers. It also stimulates blood circulation and flushes toxins. Byeee cellulite. Cayenne pepper: It improves circulation, increases blood flow, and boosts metabolism. Wasn’t this Beyonce’s idea? Tell ’em B. Garlic: It’s awesome for general health, terrible for breath, and excellent for reducing cellulite. Watermelon: It’s super hydrating and helps smooth out cellulite by improving blood circulation. Bonus – it’s great for your heart, too! Pink grapefruit: It boosts metabolism and corrects cell imbalances to diminish cellulite. This one’s a winner, for sure. Tomatoes: The lycopene in tomatoes stimulates circulation, and their vitamin C content keeps skin nice and taut.

About the author


Emily is a New Yorker trapped in a Floridian's body and loves every minute of her big city life. With a major in international business and years of being surrounded by ill-fitting suits and all the wrong shoes, she learned that the importance of fashion needs to be communicated to the world. To her, fashion is on the same level as charity work and feeding hungry children. Emily can be found frolicking the streets of her gayborhood enjoying the off-color humor of the gays.

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